Argon Clean Agent Systems
Argon is a clean agent fire suppression system, ideal for use in areas containing valuable equipment that could be damaged by water. It is an inert gas that is completely safe both for humans and the environment. Because Argon is non-corrosive and does not produce any toxic by-products, no downtime will occur due to discharge. With Argon, there is no chance of a future ban, as with Halon.
Applications: Suitable for use on Class A, B, and C fires. A few applications that benefit the most from an argon fire protection system are telecom switch gear enclosures, remote cell sites, computer and server rooms, archives, machine tools, electrical generator enclosures, and art galleries.
Operation: The extinguishing effect takes place when oxygen is displaced in the air by Argon. This is known as the suffocation effect because the oxygen in the air falls below the level necessary for combustion to occur. In most cases, the fire will go out when oxygen levels fall to 13.8 vol%. After the flame is extinguished, it may be necessary to maintain the concentration for a while until hot surfaces and embers have cooled down in order to avoid reignition. The extinguishing agent argon is stored as a compressed gas in high-pressure steel cylinders.
Technical Specifications:
- Manufactured by Minimax
- Active Agent: Argon
- Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP): Zero
- Acceptable under the EPA Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP)
- Agent is a naturally occurring inert noble gas, which is 1.38 times heavier than air. It is chemically neutral, electrically non-conductive, colorless, odorless, and tasteless.
- Agent is stored as a in high-pressure steel cylinders.
- Limitations: enclosure integrity, not suitable for “local application” purposes.