Changes are underway for antifreeze sprinkler systems. Starting in September 30, 2022, NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water- Based Fire Protection Systems, now requires all existing antifreeze solutions to be listed by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJ could be your local fire official, state fire official or your insurance company.

What are Antifreeze Systems?

Antifreeze sprinkler systems are very common in buildings or portions of buildings that are subject to temperatures below 40°F. The piping associated with these systems are filled with an antifreeze solution to prevent freezing. Upon activation of a sprinkler, the antifreeze will be discharged, followed by water from a heated portion of the building.

Why is this Important?

In the past few decades, there has been several reported incidences where the antifreeze solution contained in these systems actually contributed to the spread of fire. This prompted the National Fire Protection Associated (NFPA), to review the use of antifreeze in fire sprinkler systems and subsequently issue a few tentative interim amendments (TIAs), prohibiting the use of antifreeze in certain types of occupancies such as residential. Buildings that require the use of an antifreeze system must be aware of the new requirements for the antifreeze.

Currently, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has a widely accepted test standard, UL 2901, which addressed the NFPA “Listed” requirement. Associated Fire Protection stocks antifreeze that is listed to this test standard.

What do building owners/managers need to do?

We recommend that you check with your fire protection contractor to make sure that your antifreeze system contains UL listed antifreeze. The color of the antifreeze can be a good indication of whether the antifreeze in your system meets the new requirement. If the color is bluish/purple the antifreeze is most likely UL listed. If the color is orange or red it probably needs to be replaced. Ultimately, your fire protection contractor should be able to provide you with the definitive answer.

If you have a sprinkler system which contains non-listed or unknown antifreeze, call Associated Fire Protection at 973-684-7250 to get a free estimate

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