How many times have you been asked for specific information regarding fire events in hazards protected by clean agent systems? Until now, our answers have been a bit on the vague side, claiming successful suppressions, but with no real data to support the response. That is, until now. The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) has recently compiled data from a survey of our installer members, and the results are dramatic. The following is the real data that we can all use to support the benefits of clean agent systems, and the professionalism of the members of FSSA.
- From 1994 to the present, responding FSSA members have installed approximately 23,400 Clean Agent Systems.
- On 191 occasions, members’ suppression systems have been called upon to respond to afire. In every case, the system successfully extinguished the fire in the protected space.
- There have been ZERO failures to extinguish a fire.
- 20 of the 191 fires involved energized electrical equipment (computers, UPS, and HVAC).
- HVAC units and UPS equipment are likely to have energy dissipation greater than 5 kw. 5 kw is about 1½ ton of refrigeration capacity.
Keep in mind that this information was provided by FSSA members only, and there are many companies that install clean agent fire suppression systems who are not association members. This information can be used to promote the value and effectiveness of clean agent fire suppression systems to protect the user’s facilities and equipment, and also to support and confirm the value of membership in FSSA.
Congratulations to all on successfully preventing 191 fires from growing beyond the space protected by the FSSA Member Companies!
Article Provided by FSSA: Fire Suppression Systems Association.